Letter Writing campaign: Stop Illegal Housing Discrimination at Bivens Cove Apartments

The Collier Companies is refusing to renew leases for residents with housing vouchers at Bivens Cove apartments. They are kicking veterans and people with disabilities out of the homes they’ve been in for more than 10 years in some cases. Everybody deserves a safe place to live, especially those who are vulnerable.

For the landlord, housing vouchers are the same as cash deposited into their bank account, but for voucher holders, they may be the line between having a place to stay and living on the street. There is no reason that they should deprive someone of housing by refusing to accept their vouchers. In Gainesville, it is also illegal under Ordinance #190814 to discriminate in housing on the basis of lawful source of income.

Collier Companies is one of the biggest landlords in Gainesville. They have a responsibility to the community which they benefit from, but instead they undertake policies which drive houselessness, rising rents, and gentrification.

Click here to send a letter to tell Collier to renew leases for voucher holders and end their illegal housing discrimination immediately!

And come out to the protest on Monday, May 3rd at 4:30pm in front of the Collier Companies office at 220 N Main Street!