Op Ed: Doing their jobs

In response to the letter scolding University of Florida faculty and graduate students about their concerns teaching classes face to face because of health risks: Instructors still teach online, hold office hours, do research, represent UF at conferences and advise graduate students. Professors, staff and grad students raised $900 million in grants last year. They are doing their jobs! 

Most administrators, including President Kent Fuchs, are conducting business remotely. 

The United Faculty of Florida and Graduate Assistants United are fighting for all workers and students on campus. Many students report they fear being in a classroom because they see many of their peers gathering unmasked in large groups.  

UF has reported 4,091 employees and students have tested positive for COVID so far. There have been 10,196 positive COVID cases in Alachua County. Alachua County residents do not want more community spread. 

Written by Sheila Payne and published in the Gainesville Sun