Eviction Resistance

The Alachua County Labor Coalition is committed to building an Eviction Resistance network in Alachua County. This starts with tenants knowing their rights which is why every Saturday we are sending mail to everyone who has an eviction case filed against the previous week. We will be following up with canvassers, phone calls, and emails to make sure that people know their options. This is an important short-term strategy that feeds into our long term goal of building tenants associations in Alachua County. We believe that housing is a human right and we are committed to keeping people in their homes. Please reach out to us ACTenantsassociation@laborcoalition.org to get involved.

We’ll be periodically updating this page with more information.

Tenant Surveying

On most weekends you can find the Alachua County Tenants Association surveying neighborhood in Gainesville to organize tenants as well as bringing them resources. Organizing tenants into tenant unions will allow neighbors to solve issues collectively and put pressure on their landlords to do what they are supposed to: provide safe and affordable housing.

We need your help! If you are interested in helping us survey on the weekends please email  ACTenantsassociation@laborcoalition.org to get involved