Join Rep. Clovis Watson and others Tues, Sept. 29th at the launch of our Medicaid Expansion Campaign


On Tues, Sept. 29th, at 6:30pm, Rep. Clovis Watson will join us for a discussion of the future of Florida’s Medicaid program.  Since January 1, 2014, Florida has rejected $15 million per day that would provide coverage to hundreds of thousands of uninsured people. The Labor Coalition is partnering with FL Chain in support of their statewide campaign to get FL to close the coverage gap by accepting billions of dollars in federal Medicaid funds.  Our meeting will be at the ACEA Hall (618 NW 13th Ave. Gainesville).  We’ll have pizza and drinks available starting at 6:15pm.  Please join us for a successful launch of this important campaign and contact us if you’d like more information or would like to help get the word out for this event.

Fight for $15 comes to Gainesville


Note: 2 exciting opportunities to get involved in the ACLC’s Living Wage campaign: Join us Sept. 9th, 5:30pm at the IBEW Hall (2510 NW 6th St. in Gainesville) and Sept. 16th, time and location TBA (stay tuned to our Facebook group for details)

August 31st was an exciting day in Alachua County for Labor Coalition activists. Not only did we get to see the very inspiring film The Hand That Feeds, but we engaged in our first action with Fight For 15 Florida since we started the Living Wage campaign. Four Labor Coalition members went around with two state-wide organizers from Orlando and St. Pete to area fast food restaurants to talk to workers about the Fight for 15 campaign.

Von and Kelly were in Gainesville to bring the film we showed Monday night and to talk to attendees about the work they have been doing in Tampa, Orlando, St. Pete, NY and across the country to motivate workers to ask for more, to demand a living wage and better working conditions. So why not start doing some ground work here in Gainesville with the momentum we have already built county wide around worker issues?

We hit a few dozen fast food chain stores, and got workers signed up in every store. We are planning a meeting in Sept. with those workers and allies and will keep going around to talk to workers in preparation for a nation-wide action on Nov. 10We need your help in continuing to talk to workers at their work place. A few hours of your time is all it will take. The workers are excited, John D., Paul O., Dave O., and Sheila were jazzed about the reactions. It is not scary at all, some of the managers even signed, and called the workers over to talk to us.