Dec. 17th @ 6-8 pm: ACLC Holiday Party

ACLC Xmas Invite(1)


An invitation from ACLC member Marilyn Eisenberg & the Board of the ACLC:

Dear Loyal Friends of Labor Coalition,

We have not really partied together for a long while now.  It is finally time now to gather and celebrate our wonderful organization that has continued to fight for justice tirelessly through the whole pandemic.

Even with COVID threatening us, ACLC fought corrupt landlords, helped stop evictions, and helped hold UF accountable for decisions ranging from the infamous gas plant to food vendors with questionable labor practices.

The Labor Coalition keeps a watchful eye on all injustices that crop up in our area.  So come celebrate with us.  You helped make this happen.

We will have an outdoor potluck event at Cypress and Grove Brewery (1001 NW 4th Street) from 6 to 8 PM on Friday, December 17th.  What makes our potlucks always so special is that you come with your very most delicious food offering.  Go all out and bring something good.  No kitchen or electricity here.  So warm your food with towels, and bring cool offerings straight from your fridge.  Bring covered dishes, or salads, desserts.  It is all good.  And don’t forget a chair!

This will be a great gathering, and we look forward to having you part of it.

Together in solidarity,

ACLC Board